Friday, 29 July 2016

Recycle at Ranch Town!

Do you need to get rid of your large appliance? Recycling it at Ranch Town Recycling in San Jose can help! We accept microwaves, air conditioners, water heaters and more. Did you know that improper disposal of your old appliances may create problems like the release of hazardous greenhouse gases into the environment?

You’ll help protect our planet and keep waste in our landfills down by recycling your old appliances. We’ll put your recycled items to good use and depending on the condition of your appliance, you may even make some money off recycling it with Ranch Town. So call us today at 408-292-3333. And recycle your appliances at Ranch Town.

For more information on recycling centers in Campbell, visit this website.

CRI says bottle deposit programs can reduce marine plastics

The Container Recycling Institute (CRI), Culver City, California, says a new Australian beverage container recycling program in the state of New South Wales is the largest example to date of the increasing focus on such programs.....Read more

Why Recycling Is Important

Recycling is easy and takes very little effort while having a major positive impact on our planet. If you're wondering why it is important to recycle materials like paper, plastic, aluminum and even used electronics, read the benefits below.

Reduces Landfill Waste

Recycling is important because it reduces the amount of space we take up in our landfills. When we recycle, it not only frees up landfill space but it also reduces our greenhouse gas emissions and helps protect our environment. Landfills are already overflowing with waste, so recycling helps by putting materials back into circulation.

Recycling Helps Businesses

There are businesses out there that depend on you to recycle in order to keep their doors open. Recycling not only helps the environment, it puts money back into our economy by supporting these business who can put recycled materials to good use.

Recycling can Make you Money

You can actually earn money from recycling in a couple different ways. One is by selling your used materials like scrap metal and old wood to others who may be interested or you can turn your recycled items into goods and sell them to people who are environmentally conscious and love buying recycled products.

Recycling May Help Others

Recycling may have a positive impact on others. Before you throw out items like old clothes, appliances or furniture, consider how they may benefit someone else who can’t afford to buy those items new.

Recycling has many benefits that help not only the environment, but the economy and others as well. For more information on recycling center in Campbell, visit this website.

Why Cat 5 Wire Should Be Recycled

Category 5 wires are commonly used in telephone, internet and video cables. Eventually, these cables may no longer function, or you may have decided that you no longer need them due to wireless technology. Instead of throwing the wires away, recycling them has many advantageous.

Benefits the Environment

Cat 5 wires are often made of copper, which needs to be mined from the earth in order to be retrieved. Unfortunately, mining can contribute to environmental problems like soil erosion and sinkholes, since digging beneath the earth undermines the foundation and can cause the parts of the ground to collapse. This can destroy habitats and organisms. By recycling Cat 5 wires, you can reduce the need to mine for copper.

Furthermore, landfills take up substantial space that can be used for natural land where plants and animal can thrive. By throwing away wires, you may be contributing to the growth of these landfills and the amount of space they need.

Benefits You Personally

Looking around your home and garage, you may notice an abundance of wires lying around or stocked away in boxes. In exchange for these old wires, you can receive cash. This way, you get some extra money, and your house is not cluttered with wires that you no longer use.

By recycling Cat 5 wires, you are helping yourself, your family and the environment. To learn more about Cat 5 wire recycling in Milpitas, please visit this website.

Beauty And Strength


Copper recycled from everyday items like electronics can be used in unexpected ways, like making a beautiful serving vessel. Comment to let us know the most amazing thing you've seen made out of recycled products.

Why Aluminum Is Important to Recycle

There are a number of different kinds of items and substances that you can recycle. Some of these things are especially important to reuse for the sake of the environment. Here are a few of the reasons aluminum is a material that should be recycled if at all possible.

1. Sustainability

Sustainability is often discussed, for good reason. Promoting sustainability in industry and manufacturing is one excellent way to help protect the environment. Aluminum happens to be a material that is completely recyclable; there is no limit to the number of times it can be melted down and reused. This makes it an incredibly sustainable substance as long as it is consistently recycled.

2. Job Growth

Due to its powerful benefits, the aluminum recycling industry is expanding rapidly. This growth may benefit the economy by helping to produce a vibrant new crop of stable jobs. Choosing to recycle your aluminum can help boost this growing industry.

3. Environmental Protection

When materials such as aluminum find their way into the environment, they may contribute to problems such as pollution and landfill waste. Recycling offers an energy efficient way to help keep excess aluminum from building up in the environment.

Do you have materials that need to be recycled? Visit this website to find aluminum recycling in San Jose.

What Happens to Glass After It Is Recycled

You know that it is important to recycle a variety of materials, including glass. Have you ever wondered what happens to your glass after you take it to a recycling facility? Here is a brief breakdown of the possible future of your reused glass.

1. Cleaning the Glass

Certain glass objects such as bottles may sometimes come in to the facility along with things such as paper labels or metal caps. These non glass materials will need to be removed before the glass can be recycled into something new. Each recycling facility will use methods to help ensure that only pure glass makes it through to the next step.

2. Crushing the Glass

The glass that you recycle will likely be crushed into small pieces of mostly uniform size. This crushed material can then be reused for a variety of applications.

3. Producing Something New

After the glass has been cleaned of potential contaminants and has been crushed, it will be used to produce something entirely new. The use for your recycled glass will depend on a number of factors. Some glass may be melted down to make new jars and bottles, while other glass could be used to produce materials such as fiberglass.

Recycling offers many compelling benefits for the environment. You can visit this website to find out more about glass recycling in San Jose.

Association for Plastics Recyclers updates design guidelines

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), Washington, says increasing supply and enhancing the quality of the plastics recycling stream are two primary goals of an updated resource guide the association released..... Read more

Why you Should Recycle Your Appliances

Investing in quality appliances is a smart decision for many homeowners. It saves time having a new appliance that works when you need it to and offensives money by being energy efficient. When you're ready to make that investment in a new appliance, you may wonder what you should do with your old appliances. Consider these benefits of recycling your appliances before you toss them to the curb.

It's Good for the Environment

Recycling is a smart decision because it helps our planet. It reduces landfill space and saves energy by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

You can Make a Profit

Recycling used appliances can net you some extra cash. Remember, there are people who are just starting out who could put your appliances to use, and you'd benefit in return. Others are looking for parts or scrap metal and will pay you to take your appliances off your hands.

It can Create Jobs

People make a living off of properly disposing of or refinishing and reselling used appliances or repurposing them into something else to be sold for a profit. So before you throw yours out, see if there are companies who would be interested in them.

The benefits of recycling your appliances are certainly worth exploring next time you have one you'd like to get rid of. For more information about appliance recycling in Mountain View, visit this website.

Benefits Of Recycling Brass

Brass, an alloy made of copper and zinc, is regularly used for common household items such as door hinges, door knobs, faucets, pipes and more. Though brass can serve you well for many years, eventually you may decide that it’s time for a change. Recycling your old brass products, instead of discarding them, can be very beneficial.

Helps the Environment

Copper and zinc are usually obtained through mining. Since mining requires constant and substantial manipulation of the earth, the potential disasters to the environment around the area are considerable. Mining can contribute to problems like erosion and sinkholes that can damage habitats. Furthermore, the chemicals used while mining can enter the soil or water, thereby polluting it. By recycling brass, you can decrease the necessity of mining and, therefore, decrease possibility of environmental disasters that it can cause.

Additionally, the amount of minerals in the earth is fixed. By recycling brass, you canhelp ensure that enough metal stays in the earth for future generation to mine, using environmentally-friendly mining technologies.

Earn Extra Money

Recycling brass may not only help the environment; it can also help you. Companies that specialize in recycling brass are often willing to buy used brass product from you. Instead of just tossing them away, you can get some extra cash with your unwanted brass items.

Recycling brass can be beneficial for financial and environmental reasons. Please visit this website to learn more brass recycling in Cupertino.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

2016 NWRA Safety Stand Down on Water. Rest. Shade

On the heels of the January NWRA Safety Stand Down on Vehicle Backing, this Stand Down exceeded expectations nearly doubling participation....Read more

Why You Need To Recycle Aluminum

It’s easy enough to step on an aluminum can, smash it down to the size of a coaster and throw it in the trash. Unfortunately, it’s not just the size of the garbage that makes it environmentally detrimental. There are a number of reasons why recycling is important for the planet, and reusing aluminum is something that everyone should try to do.

True Sustainability

Aluminum is 100 percent recyclable. If everyone were to return every single used aluminum can, manufactures could operate with a single source of the metal without having to continually generate new materials.

Multiple Uses

Not only can aluminum be reused, it has multiple uses:

  • Cans
  • Foil
  • Construction material

As time goes on, people are finding more and more practical uses for this material. Multiple functions for an entirely reusable metal can only mean good things for the planet.

Economic Growth

Thousands of people are employed in the aluminum industry, and the number of jobs continues to grow as the rate of recycling climbs. When you bring your cans and foil to the local recycling center, you’re doing something good for the planet and for the economy.

When people get a better understanding of how recycling works, they begin to really see the benefits. Learn more about aluminum recycling in National City by visiting this website.

Be Smart With Plastic Bottles


Hydration is important. What’s equally important is making sure all those plastic water bottles don’t end up in a landfill when they can so easily be recycled instead.

3 Reasons to Teach Your Kids About Recycling

Unfortunately, recycling is a relatively new thing. Too many decades passed in which people just kept dumping in landfills, and now there’s a race to fix the problem. It’s important that you recycle, but it might be more important that reducing waste becomes second nature for your children. In addition to simply saving the planet, here are three specific ways in which recycling helps.

1.Protects Animals

By reducing the resources we use, fewer habitats are destroyed and fewer animals are left without homes and food.

2. Job Creation

While your child might not want to work at a recycling company, they should know that many jobs in the local community are dependent on recycling. Examples include:

  • Manufacturing jobs
  • Materials science jobs
  • Recycling industry work

The more people recycle, the better the economy does. And it doesn’t hurt to remind kids that they can get money for the recycled goods they turn in.

3. Save the Environment

Does your child like the ocean? How about the mountains, rivers and forests? If people are careless and keep throwing recyclables into the garbage, the wonders of nature might not be around that much longer.

Every child should understand why it’s important to recycle. To find the nearest recycling center in La Mesa, visit this website.