Wednesday, 27 July 2016

3 Reasons to Teach Your Kids About Recycling

Unfortunately, recycling is a relatively new thing. Too many decades passed in which people just kept dumping in landfills, and now there’s a race to fix the problem. It’s important that you recycle, but it might be more important that reducing waste becomes second nature for your children. In addition to simply saving the planet, here are three specific ways in which recycling helps.

1.Protects Animals

By reducing the resources we use, fewer habitats are destroyed and fewer animals are left without homes and food.

2. Job Creation

While your child might not want to work at a recycling company, they should know that many jobs in the local community are dependent on recycling. Examples include:

  • Manufacturing jobs
  • Materials science jobs
  • Recycling industry work

The more people recycle, the better the economy does. And it doesn’t hurt to remind kids that they can get money for the recycled goods they turn in.

3. Save the Environment

Does your child like the ocean? How about the mountains, rivers and forests? If people are careless and keep throwing recyclables into the garbage, the wonders of nature might not be around that much longer.

Every child should understand why it’s important to recycle. To find the nearest recycling center in La Mesa, visit this website.

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